Who are members of the CEETO network?

The CEETO Network was founded in 2017 by CEETO project partners from 6 Central European countries. Members of the Network are international, national, regional and local level bodies that take part in nature conservation, management of protected areas and sustainable tourism development. The Network can grow in membership and geographical scope beyond initial ones.

Network founding members are:


Emilia-Romagna Region-Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department
EUROPARC Federation
NIMFEA Environment and Nature Conservation Association
Regional Development Centre Koper
WWF Adria

Associated institution:

Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Croatian Ministry of Environment and Energy
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Office of the State Government of Styria-Department for Environment and Spatial Planning
Tourist Authority Rügen Ltd.

Protected areas:

Alto Appennino Modenese Regional Park
Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park
Biosphere Reserve South east Ruegen
Nature Park Medvednica
Nature Park Soelktaeler
Po Delta Regional Park
Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau

Who can join CEETO network?

CEETO Network is open to any party interested in sustainable tourism development. Inclusion of other parties in the CEETO Network shall be discussed and agreed among CEETO Network founding members.

Other parties included in the CEETO Network shall agree with the CEETO Network Rules of Procedures and agree on the principles of the CEETO Network.

There are no special procedure of joining the Network. Only expression of interest in joining the Network is required.

Network members shall agree to respect the principles of the CEETO Network, namely:

  • Recognize and respect the diversity of objectives, functions, management models, status and institutional types of CEETO Network members;
  • Develop relations of solidarity and cooperation among CEETO Network members;
  • Promote sharing of experiences in the field of eco and sustainable tourism among CEETO Network members;
  • Endorse the principles of eco and sustainable tourism and recognize their value in the improvement of protected areas management/governance and overall sustainable use of natural resources;
  • Respect and promote principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and gender equality.

Benefits of registering to a platform?

Registering to the CEETO platform offers an opportunity to discuss and learn about sustainable tourism policy and innovative practices in protected areas. It offers possibilities for future cooperation through development of future strategies, joint collaborations and projects, and capacity building.

Our aim is to promote the sectors´ interests and concerns, to assist in the development of already existing networks with relevant stakeholders, and to enable discussions that will greatly benefit all participating members through the exchange and transfer of knowledge, ideas and innovations.

All members enjoy FREE admission to discussion forum and document repository.

How to start a discussion?

To start a discussion a user needs to be registered on the platform. After registering a user can start a discussion by introducing himself/herself and/or by posting relevant information or document. Single posts can contain text, photos, and links to documents, links to videos, etc. Please use hashtags to help other users in searching the feed by topics of interest. A user can also comment to other people's posts thus developing a discussion on a specific topic. 

When creating a new post, a user can choose an option to contact some users privately. Choosing this option, the post will be visible only to those users. 

How to initiate joint collaboratio/project?

CEETO platform encourages participants to collaborate and share knowledge and practices in the area of sustainable tourism in protected areas. A discussion forum and documents repository can be used for this purpose. In case you have detected potential collaboration/project partner please contact him for starting your joint project idea. We wish you good luck!

How to write a proper keyword/hashtag?

Keywords enable others to easily find the post or search posts marked with the same keywords, i.e. to search posts with the same topic.

Keyword/hashtag can be a single word, acronym or phrase. In the case of a phrase, there is no space between words and each word starts with capital letter. Keywords/hashtags need to be separated by commas. There should be no special signs contained in a keyword/hashtag. (Example of a proper hashtag:  #VisitorsBehaviour). It is not necessary to put a # in front of a keyword/hashtag, the system of the platform will do that by itself. A user can simply enter a word following the rules mentioned above.

For the idea of keyword, a user can use a list of keywords/hashtags (#) listed on the left-hand side of the DISCUSSIONS page.

How to send a private message?

A user can send a private message to another user/s registered on the platform.

In the DISCUSSION page, while creating a post, below the ˝Add post keywords separated by commas˝ field, there are three switch buttons: i. The post is visible to everybody/  selected user, ii. pin the post on top, iii. e-mail me comment notifications. The default setting is that posts are visible to everybody. If the user wants to share his/her post with only one or few other users, he/she clicks on the button in the option ˝The post is visible to everybody˝ which immediately opens the selection box from which the user selects the one/s he/she wants to share the post with. The user then clicks on the name of other users he/she wants to share the post with. A user will notice that when the option to share the post with one or few selected users is on, a new button appears below name selection box: ˝send this on a private e-mail, don’t post it here˝. By clicking on this button, a user can send a private e-mail to selected user/s. Communication will continue via e-mail and not via the CEETO NETWORK platform. This option can be used if a user wants to discuss (in detail) a specific topic or develop a new idea with selected user/s using e-mail.