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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Ana Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
MEET´s online training to develop Ecotourism in protected areas
On the 28 October 2020, the MEET Network Secretariat hosted a public-facing webinar to announce the launch of its new online course on ecotourism product development in Mediterranean Protected Areas.
The course is made of two modules and is primarily directed at Protected Area staff interested in ecotourism development for their destination, but is also highly relevant to other stakeholders in the tourism and conservation sectors i.e. tourism boards, tour operators, sustainable tourism associations etc. The first module is on how to develop an ecotourism product following MEET´s tried and tested methodology, and the second on how to use the MEET DestiMED Calculator to measure the ecological footprint of the ecotourism product.
The course is free and can be accessed by creating an account on and searching for ´MEET Network´.
#calculator #DestiMED #EcologicalFootprint #ecotourism #education #MEET #ProtectedAreaAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
An online learning platform for sustainable tourism
The Erasmus+ project ‘Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow’ launches . This free, online learning platform offers an answer to the key training needs that are currently experienced by professionals working on sustainable tourism in protected areas (PAs). The online platform offers 9 learning modules in 4 languages to acquire those skills.
Each of the 9 available ‘Sustainable Tourism Training ‘-modules consists of a short video introducing the topic, key info, inspiring cases and a quiz to assess your knowledge (if successful, resulting in a certificate). The modules discuss themes like ‘reducing impacts’, ‘conservation through tourism’, ‘effective visitor communication’ and ‘social cohesion’.
#education #platform #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
An Educational Animation Video of the protection regimes in the Landscape Park Strunjan
Within the CEETO project, as a part of raising awareness actions, Landscape Park Strunjan produced an educational animation video of the protection regimes in the Park. The video is presented in the Park´s visitor center.
YouTube video:
#Animation #BelvedereTerraces #CEETOPilotAction #education #KrajinskiParkStrunjan #ProtectedArea #Slovenia #Strunjan #StrunjanLandscapePark #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
˝Park-science˝ in Slovenian protected areas
Strunjan Landscape Park, one of CEETO pilot areas, this year coordinated the work of the Slovenian Natural Parks Community with an aim to bring community and nature conservation work closer. For the second year, protected areas carried out activities aimed at schooling youth and teachers. The activity is called "park science" and aims to get young generations closer to Slovenia's natural parks and make them true "park experts". This year, over 600 registered students from 46 schools through an online quiz solved tasks and explored natural and cultural characteristics of 14 nature parks. More information about this year’s ˝park-science˝ information can be gathered at the following link:
˝Park-science˝ will continue in the 2019/20 school year, and activities can be tracked on the following link: .
#education #ParkScience #ProtectedAreaAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
˝The School Network in Protected Areas-Guidebook for Protected Areas and Schools˝-regional educational program in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
Within the project "Protected Areas for Nature and People˝, WWF Adria and Park Dinarides recently developed a Guidebook: ˝The School Network in Protected Areas-Guidebook for Protected Areas and Schools˝. The Guidebook is created for Protected Areas managers who want to work together with local teachers to develop educational programs or improve existing ones, and for schools that are interested in conducting their school curricula in the amazing environments of Protected Areas. In the chapters Learning about nature through play and Educational Activities and Critical Thinking is explained how to develop educational activities and in Annex 1 - Learning about nature through play - Description of activities are provided detailed explanations of examples of activities.
School Networks aims to create long-term and efficient partnerships between local schools and a Protected Area that is bound by the common goal of preserving local natural and cultural heritage in a way that contributes to the wellbeing of the local community.
The Guidebook is available in English.
#accessibility #education #europe #ProtectedAreaAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Nature based education program for students with intellectual disabilities
Within CEETO project a special education program ˝The Life of a Tree˝ for students with intellectual disabilities was developed. With this education program, students are offered recreational and experiential learning about natural values in nature itself which gives them an opportunity to learn to observe, watch, listen, feel and move. The program was developed in joint cooperation by WWF Adria, Public Institution Maksimir and the Secondary School-Centre for education and training Zagreb.
Publications are currently available in the Croatian language.
#accessibility #education #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourism.pdf 1.42 MB, uplodaded: 5 years ago
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Mirna Vrdoljak 5 years ago
Šefica at Druga Adresa
A beautiful initiative!
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