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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Fernando Pinillos 4 years ago
CEETO Communication Manager at EUROPARC Federation
FIDELO project call for collaboration on COVID impact on Parks
FIDELIO project ( is currently researching the impact that the COVID19 crisis is having on Parks (or administrations responsible for Parks) , especially those with a high tourism offer. For that reason, it is inviting Park representatives and managing bodies willing to collaborate to share their experience in order to:
- Explore the importance of protected areas for local communities before, during and after the pandemic;
- Identify effective policy tools that can promote behavioural change in users when visiting protected areas;
- Contribute in a network of communication between European protected areas to exchange information and experiences regarding COVID-19 management issues;
- Identify opportunities for change.
May you be interested in collaborating please contact:
It will only require you to be interviewed by the researcher and to attend two workshops online on 1st July and 1st September. Places are limited.
#COVID19 #pandemia impact #park management
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