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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Mauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
CEETO Project end - Outputs and Dissemination Events
The month of May 2020, as final month of the CEETO Project, was particularly fruitful from both the production of outputs and the dissemination of their results.
In addition to the Final Conference (of which you can find all the material in the dedicated section of the Platform link), the 8th of May saw the presentation of a Webinar (addressed to policy makers and Protected Areas management bodies) organized by Europarc. During the Webinar, in addition to a quick escursus on the objectives and outputs of the CEETO project and some examples of the Pilot Actions on Sustainable Tourism, implemented by Ente Parchi Emilia Centrale - Regione Emilia Romagna (Italy) and Landscape Park of Struniano (Slovenia), two of the main outputs of the Project were presented: The Guidelines for Policy Makers (produced by RRC Koper) and the Manual for PA Managers (produced by WWF Adria).
To review the event presentations and the video of the event (in English), this is the link.
To access the last project documents, you can go to the relevant pages of the official website:
- Guidelines for Policy Makers;
- Manual for PA Managers;
- Guidelines for PA Managers to work with Tour Operators;
or go to the "Documents" section of the platform - CEETO Documents => Sustainable Tourism => How To.
Further, after the Final Conference, several dissemination events were organised in each of the 5 local languages of the project partners. These events were also rich in content, with contributions from outside the CEETO Project and both technical and institutional interventions.
Some of these events were recorded and can be attended at any time:
#BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #europe #Italy #monitoring #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #SustainableTourism #webinarKatrin Huesken 4 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Keeping Tourists interested
As part of the CEETO Project the Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen implemented an audio-hike in the Zicker Mountains. During these COVID-19 times, tourism is non existend and many local businesses are struggeling. Maybe virtual guide/audio tours are a way to keep/get tourists interested in the area, so that they would want to take a trip to the area in real (once we surpass the "lock-downs"). Just a thought...
#AudioGuide #BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #virtualguide 1 commentMauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Hello Katrin,
I think this is a very smart initiative, that make stakeholder use this lockdown time to "prepare the field" for the return to real life and real tourism. It can be also an opportunity to increase the tourists awareness even before they come in the Park. It's also a shareable best practice to suggest to the other PAs.
Mattia Mascanzoni 5 years ago
Employee at Punto 3
The analysis of strategic visit flows in Po Delta Regional Park
Po Delta Regional Park (since 2015 UNESCO MAB Reserve) represents a uniquely rich environment typical of Emilia-Romagna low, sandy coast (dunes, coastal pine forests, freshwater wetlands, salt pans). It covers some of the most productive (fishing/salt-works/tourism) and biodiversity rich wetland area in Italy. It is a tourism hotspot with high number of tourists concentrated in just a few sensitive parts of the Park. To implement a sustainable tourism governance model, the Park management worked to extend visitation season in lateral periods (winter and autumn) and to move visitor flow to the whole territory of the Park, especially to places which are less known and visited by tourists, but equally attractive. The Park management used the analysis of strategic visit flows which allows to understand who are the tourists of Po Delta. The more qualitative information, coming from the analysis of strategic visit flows, was combined with more quantitative monitoring activities regularly implemented by the Park’s visitor centres and tourist information offices. Using both methods helped to define a tourism strategy which is consistent with natural and social characteristic of this specific area. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Po Delta Regional Park.
#BiosferaDeltaPo #BiosphereReserve #CEETONetwork #EmiliaRomagna #PoDelta #SustainableTourism #TurismoSostenibileKristin Hauser 5 years ago
CEETO Project Manager at UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau
Making UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau more experienceable
Within the CEETO project, the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau worked on raising the awareness and knowledge of visitors (locals and guests) about the area, to improve a sustainable behaviour and minimize negative impacts on nature and to make the Biosphere Reserve more experienceable for visitors. Furthermore, specific actions around the Preber lake were planned, to improve the parking situation in this special area.
With two surveys conducted during 2018 and 2019 in the area around the Preber lake, the management of the Biosphere Reserve learned about the visitors’ knowledge of the Biosphere Reserve and their mobility behaviour and satisfaction with the public transport in the Preber area. Based on these surveys and the participatory process, an Action Plan for a sustainable tourism development was elaborated, that contains a long-term vision and actions for sensitization, awareness and knowledge raising and quality improvement, addressing the whole region.
Additionally, special actions like a parking management and the increase of the frequency of the public transport, that focus on the specific situation in the Preber area (parking problems), were discussed.
Between the two surveys communication activities were done to raise awareness and knowledge (like guided tours, communication events) of visitors about the Biosphere Reserve and the Preber area, special actions around the lake to improve the parking situation and the acceptance of the public transport in this area couldn’t be implemented, due to political changes, but they will until summer 2020. After implementation another survey will be conducted, to measure the changes in the reduction of cars and the acceptance of public transport in the Preber area.
Furthermore, it is planned to conduct surveys every year to measure a change in knowledge and awareness of visitors about the Biosphere Reserve an to integrate the data into the Biosphere Reserve integrated monitoring system.
Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau.
#Austria #BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #Lungau #monitoring #ParkingManagement #Preber #ProtectedArea #PublicTransport #SustainableTourismKatrin Huesken 5 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Biosphere for Baltic Project
The Biosphere Reserves located around the Baltic Sea have started a joint project under the titel "Biosphere for Baltic". With the project a long-term coopeartion between the Baltic Sea biosphere reserve shall be established.
#BalticSea #BiosphereForBaltic #BiosphereReserve #ProtectedArea #SustainableSea #SustainableTourism 1 commentKatrin Huesken 5 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
excellent educational material
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