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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Petra Škrinjar 5 years ago
Nature Conservation Adviser at Landscape park Strunjan
Regulation of the Belvedere terraces area in Strunjan Landscape Park, Slovenia
The area of Belvedere terraces represents one of the entry points to the Strunjan Landscape Park with the potential to become a buffer zone between the urbanized, tourist area of Izola and the protected nature area. To better manage the Belvedere terraces area, firstly, the Park management conducted monitoring activities to learn about the visitors' flow and their expectations of the area. They raised awareness of the protection regimes in the area by introducing innovative educational activities. The main part of the pilot action in Strunjan Landscape Park was the preparation of the study on landscaping and spatial planning solutions which aims to increase the sustainability of touristic flows and to obtain a conceptual solution for the regulation of the area, in cooperation with all local stakeholders. With this regulation, Park management wants to establish an entry point to the protected area, control the movement of visitors and offer them sustainable activities outside the Park area, and to relieve some of the pressure on the protected area throughout the year. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Strunjan Landscape Park. A short movie about the Park can be seen at this link:
#BelvedereTerraces #CEETOPilotAction #KrajinskiParkStrunjan #monitoring #ProtectedArea #Slovenia #SpatialPlan #Strunjan #StrunjanLandscapePark #SustainableTourismLatest uploaded documents
Visitors Count_Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation8.55 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
7.02 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
2.18 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
3.97 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
2.05 MB PDF uplodaded 4 years ago