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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform

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Ana Krvarić

Project Officer at WWF Adria

˝Park-science˝ in Slovenian protected areas

Strunjan Landscape Park, one of CEETO pilot areas, this year coordinated the work of the Slovenian Natural Parks Community with an aim to bring community and nature conservation work closer. For the second year, protected areas carried out activities aimed at schooling youth and teachers. The activity is called "park science" and aims to get young generations closer to Slovenia's natural parks and make them true "park experts". This year, over 600 registered students from 46 schools through an online quiz solved tasks and explored natural and cultural characteristics of 14 nature parks. More information about this year’s ˝park-science˝ information can be gathered at the following link:   

˝Park-science˝ will continue in the 2019/20 school year, and activities can be tracked on the following link: .

#education #ParkScience #ProtectedArea