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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Chiara Rognoni 4 years ago
CEETO Referent at Ente di gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Centrale
CEETO pilot actions in Emilia Centrale Parks
Lago Santo Modenese area, within the High Modenese Apennines Regional Park, and Salse di Nirano Nature Reserve are two pilot areas managed by the Emilia Centrale Parks Management Authority. Both areas are affected by a high tourist presence which, along with inadequate visitors´ behaviour, cause damage to natural values and overall experience of the protected area. Therefore, in Lago Santo Modenese area tourist flows were monitored via the number of sold parking tickets and questionnaires to define measures for better spatial and time distribution of tourists’ visits in the area. Also, sustainable traffic measures and raising knowledge and awareness about the value of the area were implemented. In Salse di Nirano area, to protect the Zone A (integral protection zone) of the Reserve, a Video Content Analysis (VCA) system was installed to detect the type of the use and threats the Reserve must face from the point of view of sustainable tourism planning. The video of the system can be seen here:
#CEETOPilotAction #EnteParchiEmiliaCentrale #High Modenese Apennines #Italy #Lago Santo Modenese #monitoring #ParchiEmiliaCentrale #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #RiservaNaturale #SalseDiNirano #SustainableTourism #VCA #VideoContentAnalysisLatest uploaded documents
Visitors Count_Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation8.55 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
7.02 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
2.18 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
3.97 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
2.05 MB PDF uplodaded 4 years ago