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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Mattia Mascanzoni 5 years ago
Employee at Punto 3
The analysis of strategic visit flows in Po Delta Regional Park
Po Delta Regional Park (since 2015 UNESCO MAB Reserve) represents a uniquely rich environment typical of Emilia-Romagna low, sandy coast (dunes, coastal pine forests, freshwater wetlands, salt pans). It covers some of the most productive (fishing/salt-works/tourism) and biodiversity rich wetland area in Italy. It is a tourism hotspot with high number of tourists concentrated in just a few sensitive parts of the Park. To implement a sustainable tourism governance model, the Park management worked to extend visitation season in lateral periods (winter and autumn) and to move visitor flow to the whole territory of the Park, especially to places which are less known and visited by tourists, but equally attractive. The Park management used the analysis of strategic visit flows which allows to understand who are the tourists of Po Delta. The more qualitative information, coming from the analysis of strategic visit flows, was combined with more quantitative monitoring activities regularly implemented by the Park’s visitor centres and tourist information offices. Using both methods helped to define a tourism strategy which is consistent with natural and social characteristic of this specific area. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Po Delta Regional Park.
#BiosferaDeltaPo #BiosphereReserve #CEETONetwork #EmiliaRomagna #PoDelta #SustainableTourism #TurismoSostenibileLatest uploaded documents
Visitors Count_Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation8.55 MB PDF uplodaded 3 years ago
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