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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Ana Krvarić 2 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
EUROPARC Workshop: Sustainable Development Goals - What should Protected Areas do?
The Erasmus+ Project “SDGimp - Decision support system for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Protected Areas” has looked closely at how Protected Areas can implement and support these Goals.
The participatory workshop will present the results of the project and allows you to discover what your Protected Area can do to make these goals a reality
Workshop Programme:
1. Welcome and introduction to the programme, Esther Bossink, Communication Officer at the EUROPARC Federation.
2. Results from the SDGimp project, Cristoph Mathias, researcher at the Institute for Rural Development Research.
3. A fly through of the website, Cristoph Mathias.
4. Get to know the modules, Participants will have to chance to get an in-depth look of a module.
5. Small pause
6. Feedback session, What did we learn about SDGs and why are they relevant to Protected Areas?
7. What’s the role of Protected Areas? In breakout rooms, participants will discuss what their Protected Area is already doing, or what more can be done.
8. End of the workshop
The workshop will last aprox. 1h 30min and it will be hosted in English.
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