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Andrea Kostelić

Head of department for eudcation, promotion and interpretation at Javna ustanova "Park prirode Medvednica"

Nature Park Medvednica wins ECST Charter again!

Proudly we share with you info we just received:
"Following the official verification in your protected area of the work under the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, I am pleased to inform you that the Evaluation Committee, at its meeting on November 30th, examined carefully the thorough report which the appointed verifier prepared as a result of his re-evaluation visit to the Charter area.
It was unanimously agreed to re-award the ECST certificate to Medvednica nature park for a five-year period from 2020 to 2024."
We thank all our partners and stakeholders who helped us win Charter for Sustainable Tourism.
We encourage our visitors to respect our protected area and give their contribution in preserving it.
#ECST #NatureParkMedvednica

Ana Krvarić

Project Officer at WWF Adria

Congatulations! Keep up the good work! 

Ana Krvarić

Project Officer at WWF Adria

Could you share with us what were the highlights of the evaluation, and if there are some novelties in the new Strategy for sustainable development?