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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform

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Mauro Generali

CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna

Visitor Giving: A toolkit for Destination (Management) Organisations

Sometimes the solutions for finding funding for the development of sustainable tourism can be easier than expected. 

Visitor Giving: A toolkit for Destination (Management) Organisations”, produced in 2013 by Nurture Lakeland and VisitEngland, is a short guide for Visitor Giving understanding and a collection of best practiced from England, where such funds are "voluntarily donated" directly by tourists.

Visitor Giving, also known as Visitor Payback, or Visitor Gifting, is a way of offering visitors to both countryside and town, the opportunity to give a little something back to looking after the places they love. It’s a way of tapping into that natural desire to help and a mechanism for collecting those small contributions which, collectively, add up to something really quite significant. The money raised can go towards supporting a whole host of projects in destinations, all delivered by the many committed organisations who are working hard to protect England’s landscapes, maintain local communities and promote the local heritage. You can download the guide from the link below.

#Fundings #NatureLakeland #ProtectedArea #VisitEngland