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Guide: How to use CEETO Network platform1.44 MB PDF uploded 5 years ago
Ana Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
EUROPARC Workshop: Sustainable Development Goals - What should Protected Areas do?
The Erasmus+ Project “SDGimp - Decision support system for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Protected Areas” has looked closely at how Protected Areas can implement and support these Goals.
The participatory workshop will present the results of the project and allows you to discover what your Protected Area can do to make these goals a reality
Workshop Programme:
1. Welcome and introduction to the programme, Esther Bossink, Communication Officer at the EUROPARC Federation.
2. Results from the SDGimp project, Cristoph Mathias, researcher at the Institute for Rural Development Research.
3. A fly through of the website, Cristoph Mathias.
4. Get to know the modules, Participants will have to chance to get an in-depth look of a module.
5. Small pause
6. Feedback session, What did we learn about SDGs and why are they relevant to Protected Areas?
7. What’s the role of Protected Areas? In breakout rooms, participants will discuss what their Protected Area is already doing, or what more can be done.
8. End of the workshop
The workshop will last aprox. 1h 30min and it will be hosted in English.
#ProtectedArea #SDG #Sustainability #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
The value of protected areas is often hidden from direct view. Once managers understand the number and behaviour of visitors they host, and the revenues and costs they generate, informed decisions on management plans and tourism strategies can be made.
Drawing on case studies from around the world, Visitors Count! aims to build awareness, knowledge and capacity internationally on how to best undertake economic evaluations of tourism in protected areas, and thereby contribute towards a globally acknowledged standard methodology.
Document downloadable at this LINK
#impact #measuring #ProtectedArea #tourism #visitationAna Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
EUROPARC Webinar - Outdoor Sports - Engaging with or using nature? - 27th of April 11:00h CET
Webinar Programme:
1. Welcome and Introduction to the webinar, By Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC Federation
2. Dilemmas for an outdoor enthusiast, By Lissa Breugelmans, Outdoor sports practitioner and PhD student at University of Antwerp
3. The RESICETS project - Park and Outdoor Sports working together to minimise the impact of outdoor activities on wildlife, By Daniele Piazza, director of the Aree Protette dell’Ossola
4. The Adventure Travel Guide Standard - Showing how the Outdoor Sports sectors values nature though sustainability standards, By Myles Farnbank, Wilderness Scotland guide, fellow of The Royal Geographical Society and a Master Educator of Leave No Trace
5. The SEE project researching the issues and finding best practice, By Mike McClure, Outdoor Recreation Development Officer, Sport Northern Ireland
6. Closing remarks, Noel Doyle, Leave No Trace Ireland
All participants will have the opportunity to exchange on the topics discussed and/or ask questions.
The webinar will last aprox. 1h 30min and it will be hosted in English.
#management #outdoor #ProtectedArea #SportAna Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
PARKS Special Issue on COVID-19
A special issue of PARKS is devoted to the impact and implications of COVID-19 on the world’s protected and conserved areas. It describes how 11 peer reviewed papers and 14 essays have brought together the knowledge and findings of numerous experts from all parts of the world, supported by several wide-ranging surveys. The resulting global synthesis of experience answers some key questions: why did the pandemic occur? what has it meant for protected and conserved areas, and the people that depend on them? what were the underlying reasons for the disaster we now face? and how can we avoid this happening again?
While applaud is given to the international effort to combat the disease, the humanity urgently needs to devote as much effort to addressing the root causes of the pandemic – our fractured relationship to nature. Unless we repair it, humanity will face consequences even worse than this pandemic.
The issue can be seen online here:
#conservation #COVID-19 #impact #pandemic #ProtectedArea #tourismAndrea Solić 3 years ago
Wildlife Progremme Manager at WWF
Budget cuts and collapse in tourism revenue pose 'severe' threat to nature
Job cuts in nature reserves and environmental rollbacks by governments during the Covid-19 pandemic could undermine global efforts to conserve biodiversity and tackle the climate crisis, according to new research.
Budget cuts and a collapse in ecotourism revenue have forced national parks and conservation organisations to make staff cuts and reduce activities such as anti-poaching patrols, with Asia and Africa severely affected.
Brazil, India and the US have also emerged as “hotspots” for cuts to environmental protections during the pandemic, with all three among several countries considering proposals to allow mining and fossil fuel extraction in protected areas.
Examples included in the report are proposals by the Brazilian government to allow mining and fossil fuel extraction in indigenous reserves, new permits in Russia that allow deforestation in natural areas for transport and infrastructure, and progress on plans to explore and drill for oil and gas in the US Arctic.
The findings come in a collection of research papers published in a special issue of the journal Parks by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which seek to understand the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environment.
Brent Mitchell, co-editor of the journal, said: “What we learnt from our 150 contributors is this: if the shock of Covid-19 is not enough to make humanity wake up to the suicidal consequences of the destructive course of much misguided development, with its onslaught on nature, then it is hard to see how further calamities – far worse than the current pandemic – can be avoided.”
His comments echo those of the UN secretary general, António Guterres, who has warned: “Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal.”
A survey of park rangers in more than 60 countries found that about one in five had lost their jobs because of pandemic-related budget cuts, with those in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia worst affected. More than half of protected areas in Africa reported that they had had to stop or reduce field patrols and anti-poaching operations.
While many protected areas have maintained core operations, communities living near nature reserves and national parks have been particularly hard hit by the economic consequences of the pandemic and drops in visitors.
“While the global health crisis remains the priority, this new research reveals just how severe a toll the Covid-19 pandemic has taken on conservation efforts and on communities dedicated to protecting nature,” said Dr Bruno Oberle, director general of the IUCN.
A review of Covid-19 economic recovery plans implemented or advanced between January and October 2020 found that while some governments included conservation areas and extra funding for nature, many have diminished environmental protections.
Rachel Golden Kroner of Conservation International, the lead author of the study on impacts of government stimulus packages, warned that the current crisis could not be allowed to further damage natural environments.
“If we are to build a sustainable future, rollbacks of environmental protections must be avoided, and recovery measures need to be planned in a way that not only avoids negative impacts on biodiversity, but charts a more sustainable and equitable way forward,” she said.
Reacting to the research, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, head of the Global Environment Facility, an independent financial organisation that helps fund countries to meet environmental targets, said: “Investing in nature conservation and restoration to prevent the future emergence of zoonotic pathogens such as coronaviruses costs a small fraction of the trillions of dollars governments have been forced to spend to combat Covid-19 and stimulate an economic recovery.”
#COVID #joblose #tourismAna Krvarić 3 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
MEET´s online training to develop Ecotourism in protected areas
On the 28 October 2020, the MEET Network Secretariat hosted a public-facing webinar to announce the launch of its new online course on ecotourism product development in Mediterranean Protected Areas.
The course is made of two modules and is primarily directed at Protected Area staff interested in ecotourism development for their destination, but is also highly relevant to other stakeholders in the tourism and conservation sectors i.e. tourism boards, tour operators, sustainable tourism associations etc. The first module is on how to develop an ecotourism product following MEET´s tried and tested methodology, and the second on how to use the MEET DestiMED Calculator to measure the ecological footprint of the ecotourism product.
The course is free and can be accessed by creating an account on and searching for ´MEET Network´.
#calculator #DestiMED #EcologicalFootprint #ecotourism #education #MEET #ProtectedAreaAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Sustainable recovery of tourism in protected areas from the COVID-19 pandemic
In their guest post for Transforming One Planet Vision into Action, Spenceley et al share their reflections on working towards a responsible recovery from COVID-19 for the tourism sector.
Full paper “Tourism in protected areas amid the COVID-19 pandemic, is submitted to the Special Issue on Protected and Conserved Areas and Pandemics in the journal PARKS.
Some of their thoughts:
˝We recommend that protected area tourism is ‘built back better’ than before COVID-19, by not returning to business as usual, by taking into account climate change, biodiversity loss, and by being more inclusive, equitable and integrated with sustainable development principles. Nobody can predict how the pandemic will evolve, nor the recovery timeline, but stakeholders can identify plausible scenarios and create action plans that work towards sustainable tourism. Furthermore, market research suggests that post-COVID-19 people will seek out adventure travel, natural spaces, safe and quality experiences. Therefore, it is imperative that protected areas are prepared for directing this surge towards positive outcomes.˝
˝The way forward for tourism has five dimensions: (1) fostering openness to change, with a new way of thinking and acting; (2) developing a vision; (3) protecting natural and cultural heritage for their importance to the environmental services of the area and peoples’ dependency on tourism; (4) recovering and rebuilding local livelihoods and the health of residents and visitors; and (5) reframing tourism, including the resources it uses, to achieve productive and healthy livelihoods without degrading the biodiversity upon which it depends.˝
˝We recommend that planning be more holistic, inclusive, equitable, adaptable and focus on what tourism and outdoor recreation sustains.˝
Full post can be reached via the link:
#COVID19 #COVID19Impact #IUCN #management #PandemiaImpact #ProtectedArea #ProtectedAreaManagement #TAPASGroup #UNWTO #WCPAAndrea Kostelić 4 years ago
Head of department for eudcation, promotion and interpretation at Javna ustanova "Park prirode Medvednica"
Nature Park Medvednica wins ECST Charter again!
Ana Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Congatulations! Keep up the good work!
Ana Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Could you share with us what were the highlights of the evaluation, and if there are some novelties in the new Strategy for sustainable development?
Ana Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Editorial essay - COVID‐19 and protected and conserved areas
This special editorial provides a snapshot of how protected and conserved areas around the world are being impacted by COVID-19.
The essay brings a commentary on how effectively and equitably managed systems of protected and conserved areas can be part of a response to the pandemic that both lessens the chance of a recurrence of similar events and builds a more sustainable future for people and nature.
Editorial is concluded with a Call for Action made up of three elements:
- core principles (Principle 1: COVID-19 is a symptom of the wider environmental crisis; Principle 2: We must commit to and act to achieve a healthy, sustainable planet; Principle 3: Protected and conserved areas provide broad benefits to society, but these are now under severe stress due to our societal response to COVID-19)
- actions (1. Rescue: an immediate emergency response to cushion the shock from COVID-19; 2. Recover: a plan to overcome the damaging effects of COVID-19; 3. Rebuild Stronger, starting now: a strategy to put protected and conserved areas on a more secure and effective trajectory), and
- commitment from the IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Area (establish a Task Force to collect and analyze information on the impacts of COVID-19 on protected and conserved areas; develop, refine and promote the Call for Action; develop principles and good practice for protected and conserved areas across the three phases of the response to the pandemic - rescue, recovery and rebuilding.)
Full editorial can be found at this LINK
#COVID19 #COVID19Impact #management #PandemiaImpact #ProtectedArea #ProtectedAreaManagement #WCPAAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
An online learning platform for sustainable tourism
The Erasmus+ project ‘Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow’ launches . This free, online learning platform offers an answer to the key training needs that are currently experienced by professionals working on sustainable tourism in protected areas (PAs). The online platform offers 9 learning modules in 4 languages to acquire those skills.
Each of the 9 available ‘Sustainable Tourism Training ‘-modules consists of a short video introducing the topic, key info, inspiring cases and a quiz to assess your knowledge (if successful, resulting in a certificate). The modules discuss themes like ‘reducing impacts’, ‘conservation through tourism’, ‘effective visitor communication’ and ‘social cohesion’.
#education #platform #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourismMauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Progetto CEETO: Pronte le versioni in italiano delle Linee Guida per i Decisori Politici ed il Manuale per i Gestori delle Aree Protette
Il Turismo Sostenibile si realizza quando le aspettative dei residenti coincidono con quelle dei turisti, assicurando che vengano rispettati sia l’esperienza turistica sia i valori ambientali e socio-culturali dei territori interessati. Durante i suoi tre anni di attività, il progetto CEETO ha testato strumenti di monitoraggio dei flussi turistici e promosso innovativi modelli di pianificazione e di governance del turismo sostenibile, rendendo il turismo non una minaccia ma un incentivo alla protezione della natura ed al benessere locale.
Da questi principi e dalle esperienze maturate nelle Azioni Pilota del Progetto CEETO, sono nati alcuni dei principali output di progetto, rivolti ai professionisti dello sviluppo territoriale e della tutela ambientale. Parliamo in particolare delle Linee Guida per i Decisori Politici e del Manuale per i Gestori delle Aree Protette:
- Le Linee Guida per decisori politici sono state concepite come uno strumento finalizzato a supportare i decisori politici a livello nazionale, regionale e locale nel processo di pianificazione e gestione del turismo all’interno e intorno alle Aree Protette, fornendo raccomandazioni su come integrare i principi del turismo sostenibile nelle politiche pubbliche. Inoltre, questo documento capitalizza i risultati e la sintesi delle Azioni Pilota realizzate in otto Aree Protette dell’Europa Centrale durante l’implementazione del progetto CEETO.
- ll Manuale per i gestori delle aree protette è un documento operativo che offre agli Enti di Gestione una guida passo-passo (tipo Libro di Cucina), sulla predisposizione e gestione del Turismo Sostenibile nelle Aree Protette. Il Manuale mette a disposizione suggerimenti pratici e raccomandazioni per avviare i processi partecipativi nella pianificazione, comunicazione e monitoraggio, fornendo anche indicazioni su un nuovo livello di cooperazione e collaborazione tra le Aree protette e gli Operatori Turistici, creando destinazioni sostenibili e promuovendo un turismo responsabile e di qualità.
- È stata inoltre realizzata un’ulteriore breve Linea Guida per fornire agli Enti di Gestione delle Aree Protette, strategie e suggerimenti per collaborare con i Tour Operator al fine di promuovere le destinazioni turistiche più sostenibili e rafforzare i vantaggi che possono derivare dalla collaborazione Pubblico-Privato.
- Infine, come prodotto di ampia e sintetica divulgazione, è stata realizzata una Brochure, realizzata per condividere le storie di successo di progetto ed i principali output, e che si affianca ai Volantini per Turisti e Comunità Locali ed alle Infografiche. Essa include un riassunto delle best practice e delle attività svolte nelle 8 Azioni Pilota di CEETO, che hanno portato alla redazione degli altri documenti tecnici suddetti e che hanno innescato nei territori dei meccanismi virtuosi che vedranno la loro maturazione nei prossimi anni.
Linee Guida e Manuale rientrano nella letteratura scientifica più aggiornata e sono disponibili in varie lingue qui sul CEETO Network, nella sezione “Documents” e sul sito web di progetto. Da ora sono disponibili i documenti anche in Italiano.
I link diretti per scaricare i documenti in Italiano sono i seguenti:
- Linee Guida per Decisori Politici;
- Manuale per Enti di Gestione di Aree Protette;
- Linee Guida per le AP per collaborare con i Tour Operator;
- Brochure.
Fernando Pinillos 4 years ago
CEETO Communication Manager at EUROPARC Federation
FIDELO project call for collaboration on COVID impact on Parks
FIDELIO project ( is currently researching the impact that the COVID19 crisis is having on Parks (or administrations responsible for Parks) , especially those with a high tourism offer. For that reason, it is inviting Park representatives and managing bodies willing to collaborate to share their experience in order to:
- Explore the importance of protected areas for local communities before, during and after the pandemic;
- Identify effective policy tools that can promote behavioural change in users when visiting protected areas;
- Contribute in a network of communication between European protected areas to exchange information and experiences regarding COVID-19 management issues;
- Identify opportunities for change.
May you be interested in collaborating please contact:
It will only require you to be interviewed by the researcher and to attend two workshops online on 1st July and 1st September. Places are limited.
#COVID19 #pandemia impact #park management
Mauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
CEETO Project end - Outputs and Dissemination Events
The month of May 2020, as final month of the CEETO Project, was particularly fruitful from both the production of outputs and the dissemination of their results.
In addition to the Final Conference (of which you can find all the material in the dedicated section of the Platform link), the 8th of May saw the presentation of a Webinar (addressed to policy makers and Protected Areas management bodies) organized by Europarc. During the Webinar, in addition to a quick escursus on the objectives and outputs of the CEETO project and some examples of the Pilot Actions on Sustainable Tourism, implemented by Ente Parchi Emilia Centrale - Regione Emilia Romagna (Italy) and Landscape Park of Struniano (Slovenia), two of the main outputs of the Project were presented: The Guidelines for Policy Makers (produced by RRC Koper) and the Manual for PA Managers (produced by WWF Adria).
To review the event presentations and the video of the event (in English), this is the link.
To access the last project documents, you can go to the relevant pages of the official website:
- Guidelines for Policy Makers;
- Manual for PA Managers;
- Guidelines for PA Managers to work with Tour Operators;
or go to the "Documents" section of the platform - CEETO Documents => Sustainable Tourism => How To.
Further, after the Final Conference, several dissemination events were organised in each of the 5 local languages of the project partners. These events were also rich in content, with contributions from outside the CEETO Project and both technical and institutional interventions.
Some of these events were recorded and can be attended at any time:
#BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #europe #Italy #monitoring #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #SustainableTourism #webinarKatrin Huesken 4 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
EU Climate Action is looking for ideas!
As the impacts of climate change become more frequent and intense, we need urgent action to protect us and our planet.
#ClimateAction #ClimateChange #EUAdaptation #EUGreenDeal #EUhaveyourSay 1 commentMauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Hello Katrin,
actually, if we listen to the sound of the IPCC bell alone, clearly the data that emerges may seem worrying but, since making forecasts on the next 50 years, analyzing only what has happened in the last 100 or 200 years at most, can be misleading, I think it is at least appropriate to change for a while the scale of observation, trying to contextualize the phenomenon as part of a much longer evolution of the climate on the Planet.
If we leave the "climatological" approach and scale and adopt a more "geological" approach, in fact, we discover that the evolution of temperatures, sea level and CO2, have already undergone, even without the hand of man, much more significant changes than those we are observing now.
So not to deny the "global warming" but to give it the right dimension, I suggest you to look carefully at the graphs you can see at this link:
(the site is in Italian but the graphics and captions are in English).
After having taken note of this we can start again to discuss in the right perspective.
Ana Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Webinar on Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: from design to implementation – the experience of CEETO project
The Central Europe Eco-Tourism: tools for nature protection (CEETO) Interreg project ran for three years, to test innovative governance models for tourism development in Protected Areas. Integrating environmental, social and economic aspects, several solutions were implemented in protected areas in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, with the aim to make tourism a real driver for nature protection and local economic and social well-being.
In this webinar, jointly organized between EUROPARC Federation and CEETO Interreg CE project, we will hear some of the best examples of the project implementation, and get access to relevant tools for Protected Area Managers and policy-makers to design and implement Sustainable Tourism Strategies in Protected Areas.
For the registration to the webinar follow this LINK.
More about the webinar is available HERE.
#europe #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourism #webinarAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
CEETO Final Conference to be held on 14 May 2020 online via Zoom
Due to the current situation, the conference will be held online on 14 May 2020 (starting at 9:30 UTC/GMT+2), via Zoom (
The Conference will be organized by the Sölktäler Nature Park Managing Authority and moderated by Mr. Christian Baumgartner, Vice President of CIPRA International.
During the conference, CEETO main outcomes will be presented by CEETO project partners. Different perspectives on the development of sustainable tourism will be discussed during panel sessions with international speakers, Mrs. Carol Ritchie (Europarc Federation) and Mr. Marco Katzenberger (Federparchi).
Conference speakers are: Mr. Christian Baumgartner (CIPRA International/CIPRA Austria), Mr. Herbert Wölger (National Park Gesäuse), Mr. Maurizio Davolio (, Marko Koscak (Studio MKA d.o.o), Mrs. Carol Ritchie (Europarc Federation).
CEETO Final Conference Programme and a Guide for using the Zoom for the online conference (virtual meeting) is available here for download.
Follow the registration HERE.
#europe #SustainableTourism.pdf 192.86 kB, uplodaded: 4 years ago
.pdf 296.17 kB, uplodaded: 4 years ago
Katrin Huesken 4 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Keeping Tourists interested
As part of the CEETO Project the Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen implemented an audio-hike in the Zicker Mountains. During these COVID-19 times, tourism is non existend and many local businesses are struggeling. Maybe virtual guide/audio tours are a way to keep/get tourists interested in the area, so that they would want to take a trip to the area in real (once we surpass the "lock-downs"). Just a thought...
#AudioGuide #BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #virtualguide 1 commentMauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Hello Katrin,
I think this is a very smart initiative, that make stakeholder use this lockdown time to "prepare the field" for the return to real life and real tourism. It can be also an opportunity to increase the tourists awareness even before they come in the Park. It's also a shareable best practice to suggest to the other PAs.
Andrea Solić 4 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Covid-19 and sustaianable tourism
It seems that everyone involved in the travel sector has been affected by the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic.
There are a number of interesting studies and articles and think-pieces that have been released during this time. Some of these share information on impacts of our dramatically changed travel patterns on industry and destinations, some include suggestions of proactive approaches, and some provide market insights.
Junior project manager at Fondazione Innovazione Urbana
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has released a set of recommendations calling for urgent and strong support to help the global tourism sector not only recover from the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 but to ‘grow back better’. The Recommendations are the first output of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, established by UNWTO with high-level representatives from across the tourism sector and from within the wider United Nations system.
#tourism #UNWTOStefano Dalli 4 years ago
Geologist at home
Ferrovia dei Parchi dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano
I Parchi di crinale appenninico tosco-emiliano del Corno alle Scale e del Cimone-Libro Aperto-Lago di Pratignano sono molto frequentati tutto l'anno.
Grazie alla rete sentieristica del CAI, numerosi sono gli itinerari escursionistici a piedi e in MTB di diverse difficoltà anche plurigiornalieri. La stagione invernale porta poi molti appassionati dello sci alpino, del fondo e delle ciaspolate.
Recentemente, l'annuncio della Regione Emilia-Romagna di fondi per 16 milioni di euro (di cui 10 a carico dello Stato) per nuovi impianti e per sostenere l’attività sportiva invernale ed estiva e che la Regione Toscana si farà carico di commissionare un masterplan che individui un collegamento mediante un nuovo impianto di risalita Doganaccia - Corno alle Scale, portano a ritenere che non si tratti di un "semplice" protocollo di intesa.
In questo quadro, non si fa cenno alle modalità per raggiungere e muoversi all'interno dei Parchi con efficienti e moderni mezzi di mobilità pubblica.
See full story here
Mauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
The Appennino Tosco-Emiliano MaB Reserve presents the 70 Activities of the new Action Plan.
The Biosphere Reserve MaB Appennino Tosco-Emiliano will present tomorrow, 19th February 2020, at the University of Parma, the new Action Plan for the sustainable development of the territory of the MaB.
The Action Plan pursues sustainable development objectives, both those specific to the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the general ones indicated by the international community (17 UN Sustainable Development Goals - Agenda 2030) and recalled by the Lima Plan (March 2016) of the UNESCO MaB Programme.
The Action Plan involves all 34 Municipalities in the territory of the MaB (divided between the Regions of Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna and in particular between the Provinces of Reggio Emilia, Parma, Modena, Lucca and Massa) and is composed of 70 Actions, grouped according to the following areas of intervention: Education, Research & Development, Cultural Heritage, Environment, Rurality, Tourism, Communication, Involvement.
The complete list of the forms can be consulted at:
Within the field of tourism development, some of the activities provided for in the Action Plan originate from the ECST (European Charter of Sustainable Tourism) and the CEETO Project, developed in recent years by the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park Authority in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Fausto Giovanelli, President of the National Park and coordinator of MaB, will talk about the Action Plan of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Biosphere Reserve and its 70 projects, while the Park Director, Giuseppe Vignali, will deal with the theme of the future of the Reserve. The meeting will conclude with the presentation of the new 'I Care Appennino' awards assigned to those realities, associations and companies that realize or support projects and initiatives whose aim is to take care of the territory, biodiversity and communities.
The official MaB magazine "Apenninus" (only in Italian language), dedicates to the event the special n°20/2020, available at the following link:
#ActionPlan #Development #Italy #MaB #MaBAppennino #Man&Biosphere #Sustainability #SustainableTourism #ToscoEmilianoApennine 1 commentedda chiari 4 years ago
socio at ideanatura snc
Abbiamo preso parte dall'inizio al processo MaB. Dopo 5 anni, al tempo del Covid 19, ci stiamo interrogando su quanto la Riserva MaB abbia influito sullo sviluppo delle relazioni sociali nel territorio. Nel video una prima riflessione.
We took part to MaB process from the beginning. After 5 years, in Covid 19, time we are wondering how MaB Reserve have been useful for social relations development in our territory. Here is our first reflection. The video is in italian.
Mauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
MaB Delta del Po – Manuale Didattico per Docenti e rete locale degli InfoPoint Turistici
Il Parco Regionale Delta Po Emilia Romagna), in collaborazione con numerosi altri Enti ed Associazioni, nell’ambito delle attività di promozione della MaB BiosferaDeltaPo e del Progetto: “Percorsi di educazione ambientale per avviare percorsi di apprendimento sul paesaggio e biodiversità” (MISURA 19 del PSR 2014-2020 Regione Emilia-Romagna. CUP:H59D1700080002) – Tema: “Paesaggio e Biodiversità”, ha realizzato un Manuale per Insegnanti degli alunni delle scuole primarie di secondo grado e secondarie.
Il manuale, attualmente solo in lingua italiana, è consultabile al sito:
Oltre a descrivere il Programma MaB UNESCO ed i concetti di Biodiversità, con particolare riguardo a quella presente nel territorio del Delta, il manuale approfondisce anche gli aspetti legati al Turismo, nell’ambito dell’Agenda Mondiale 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (obiettivi 8.9, 12.b e 14.7), e propone, fra gli altri, il Manuale degli operatori turistici della MaB (scaricabile qua sotto).
Sul versante Veneto della MaB, si segnala un’altra iniziativa degna di nota: L’Ente Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po, in qualità di responsabile e coordinatore dell’Organizzazione di Gestione della Destinazione turistica (OGD), si è fatto promotore di un’importante iniziativa che intende coinvolgere tutti gli attori del territorio: si tratta della costruzione di una rete territoriale di Info-Point turistici che possano capillarmente diffondere la cultura dell’accoglienza e trasmettere i valori culturali e ambientali del territorio. In questo modo il Parco, già impegnato nel valorizzare e promuovere il territorio attraverso diversi progetti come “#MYDELTASLOW”, intende rafforzare le relazioni con il tessuto economico del Delta, mettendo a disposizione degli operatori nuove competenze e offrendo ai turisti una rete di supporto efficace e capillare.
La rete locale di Info-Point turistici potrà essere costituita da tutti quei soggetti che rientrano nei 24 comuni del territorio della OGD “Po e suo Delta”. Fra questi si elencano: i titolari di strutture recettive (hotel, B&B, campeggi, locazioni turistiche, ecc.), ristoranti, agriturismi, bar, cantine, aziende agricole e altri luoghi organizzati per la degustazione dei prodotti enogastronomici, attrazioni turistiche e punti di interesse, biblioteche, musei, altri punti informativi gestiti dalle Pro-Loco e dalle Associazioni di volontariato. A questi potranno aggiungersi altri fornitori di servizi turistici (noleggiatori di auto e di biciclette, agenzie di viaggio, servizi nautici, ecc.) ed attività commerciali (negozi, edicole, distributori di carburante, ecc.).
L’adesione al progetto prevede la partecipazione a un corso di formazione di 16 ore che si svolgerà tra febbraio e marzo 2020, articolato in una serie di incontri con esperti di gestione turistica, ambiente e comunicazione. I partecipanti potranno, inoltre, integrare con altre 16 ore di corso di approfondimento destinato alle guide del progetto “Goletta Verde: a scuola di Mare e Biodiversità” per poter così arricchire il loro percorso formativo e avere un ruolo anche nelle attività di educazione ambientale promosse dal Parco insieme a Legambiente Onlus e Fondazione CaRiPaRo.
#Agenda2030 #Biodiversita #DMO #GolettaVerde #InfoPoint #Italiano #Italy #Legambiente #MaBDeltaPo #MyDeltaSlow #OperatoriTuristici #ParcoDeltaPo #PoESuoDelta #TurismoSostenibileMauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Visitor Giving: A toolkit for Destination (Management) Organisations
Sometimes the solutions for finding funding for the development of sustainable tourism can be easier than expected.
“Visitor Giving: A toolkit for Destination (Management) Organisations”, produced in 2013 by Nurture Lakeland and VisitEngland, is a short guide for Visitor Giving understanding and a collection of best practiced from England, where such funds are "voluntarily donated" directly by tourists.
Visitor Giving, also known as Visitor Payback, or Visitor Gifting, is a way of offering visitors to both countryside and town, the opportunity to give a little something back to looking after the places they love. It’s a way of tapping into that natural desire to help and a mechanism for collecting those small contributions which, collectively, add up to something really quite significant. The money raised can go towards supporting a whole host of projects in destinations, all delivered by the many committed organisations who are working hard to protect England’s landscapes, maintain local communities and promote the local heritage. You can download the guide from the link below.
#Fundings #NatureLakeland #ProtectedArea #VisitEnglandAna Krvarić 4 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
An Educational Animation Video of the protection regimes in the Landscape Park Strunjan
Within the CEETO project, as a part of raising awareness actions, Landscape Park Strunjan produced an educational animation video of the protection regimes in the Park. The video is presented in the Park´s visitor center.
YouTube video:
#Animation #BelvedereTerraces #CEETOPilotAction #education #KrajinskiParkStrunjan #ProtectedArea #Slovenia #Strunjan #StrunjanLandscapePark #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
10 Good Principles for Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas - Now in 9 languages!
The 10 Good Principles for Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas, launched by EUROPARC Federation in cooperation with the European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS), aim to promote good conduct among outdoor sports practitioners and to lower the impact of outdoor sports on the environment.
The poster is now available in 9 languages. Download it here.
#ENOS #Europarc #impact #ProtectedArea #Sport #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
The European environment-state and outlook 2020
Early December this year, the European Environment Agency (EEA) issued the European environment - state and outlook 2020 (SOER 2020). It is stated that Europe will not achieve its 2030 goals without urgent action during the next 10 years to address the alarming rate of biodiversity loss, increasing impacts of climate change and the overconsumption of natural resources. ˝The focus now must be on scaling up, speeding up, streamlining and implementing the many solutions and innovations - both technological and social - which already exist, while stimulating additional research and development, catalysing behavioural shifts and, vitally, listening to and engaging with citizens.˝
#environment #EU #europe #SustainableDevelopmentMauro Generali 5 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Ente Parchi Emilia Centrale, ready for the ECST application
70 projects complete the dossier with which the Park Authority will present to Europe its application for the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the Protected Areas of Central Emilia.
The final plenary forum (Rubiera - Modena - Italy - 04/12/2019) marked the end of the process started by Ente Parchi Emilia Centrale last April to obtain the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST), a certification recognised at continental level and supported by Europarc and Federparchi.
The idea of starting the application process started with the participation of the Management Authority in the European project CEETO, of which the Emilia-Romagna Region is the leading partner and within which the Park Authority has prepared, for some protected areas of its territory, a five-year Action Plan and implemented two Pilot Actions for the knowledge and a more sustainable management of tourism flows.
Central Emilia is the first "macro-area" of the Emilia-Romagna region to apply for certification for all its 8 protected areas located between the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which thus start, along with their territories, to obtain the important recognition and to be included among the destinations of excellence at European level.
In recent months, dozens of public and private stakeholders have taken part in the candidacy process, working in a vast territory that embraces very different environments and "kind of tourisms".
Municipal administrations, cultural and sports associations, entrepreneurs and tourism operators, promotion offices and destinations management organizations (DMOs), environmental and excursion guides, training and category bodies have been the protagonists of a proactive discussion both among themselves and with the Parks Authority. A step-by-step process that began with a shared analysis of the opportunities to be seized, useful for defining a common strategy and outlining concrete objectives to be achieved in the next five years, through an Action Plan (including those prepared within the framework of the CEETO Project), which includes no less than 70 initiatives and projects (for a total of about 12 million € of investment) carried out not only by the Managing Authority but also, and above all, by the subjects who participated in the process.
The final forum was the moment of approval (in the photo) and subscription of the actions that constitute the heart of the " application dossier ", already sent to the examination of the commission of Europarc.
#AppenninoModenese #AppenninoReggiano #CETS #ECST #EnteParchiEmiliaCentrale #Europarc #europe #EuropeanCharter #Italy #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #SustainableTourismAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Measuring the ecological footprint of ecotourism itineraries
Find out what is the Ecological Footprint of your ecotourism itineraries with DestiMED’s Calculator.
The free online ecological footprint calculator was developed in cooperation with the support of the European programme Interreg-MED. It enables to measure and monitor the ecological footprint, based on the 4 main aspects of an ecotourism package, i.e. accommodation, food & drinks, mobility & transfer activities and services.
#calculator #ecotourism #footprintAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Behavior Change For Nature: A Behavioral Science Toolkit for Practitioners
What are the best strategic approaches to achieve behavior change? Most conservation work is centered on the fact that we need people to change their current ways and act more sustainably. To incorporate this successfully in the planning of our projects, we need to know more about recommended strategies based on what we know today about how and under which circumstances people actually do tend to change their behavior. The Behavior Change For Nature: A Behavioral Science Toolkit for Practitioners provides 15 concrete tools for conservation and sustainability practitioners, and the methodologies for putting them into practice, to achieve (and evaluate) real change.
#Behavioral Scence #BehaviorChange #guide #toolkitAndrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Can ecotourism deliver real economic, social, and environmental benefits? (interesting case from Costa Rica :-))
Doubt persists about ecotourism’s ability to make tangible contributions to conservation and deliver benefits for host communities. This work in Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula tests the hypothesis that ecotourism in this region is more effective at improving well-being for local residents, at enhancing their access to key resources and information, and at supporting biodiversity conservation than other locally available economic sectors. Data from 128 semi-structured interviews with local
workers, both in ecotourism and in other occupations, together with associated research, indicate that ecotourism offers the best currently available employment opportunities, double the earnings of other livelihoods, and other linked benefits.
Locally, ecotourism is viewed as the activity contributing most to improvements in residents’ quality of life in the Osa Peninsula and to increased levels of financial and attitudinal support for parks and environmental conservation. Ecolodge ownership by local people is substantial, and many local ecotourism workers plan to launch their own businesses. The data offer a convincing rebuttal to arguments that ecotourism does little to address poverty or disparities in access to resources and equally rebuts claims that ecotourism is simply a part of the “neoliberal conservation toolkit” that cannot help but exacerbate the very inequalities it purports to address.
More at file:///C:/Users/astefan/Downloads/Can_ecotourism_deliver_real_economic_soc.pdf
#CommunityDevelopment #conservation #CostaRica #ecotourism #impact
Chiara Rognoni 5 years ago
CEETO Referent at Ente di gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Centrale
CEETO pilot actions in Emilia Centrale Parks
Lago Santo Modenese area, within the High Modenese Apennines Regional Park, and Salse di Nirano Nature Reserve are two pilot areas managed by the Emilia Centrale Parks Management Authority. Both areas are affected by a high tourist presence which, along with inadequate visitors´ behaviour, cause damage to natural values and overall experience of the protected area. Therefore, in Lago Santo Modenese area tourist flows were monitored via the number of sold parking tickets and questionnaires to define measures for better spatial and time distribution of tourists’ visits in the area. Also, sustainable traffic measures and raising knowledge and awareness about the value of the area were implemented. In Salse di Nirano area, to protect the Zone A (integral protection zone) of the Reserve, a Video Content Analysis (VCA) system was installed to detect the type of the use and threats the Reserve must face from the point of view of sustainable tourism planning. The video of the system can be seen here:
#CEETOPilotAction #EnteParchiEmiliaCentrale #High Modenese Apennines #Italy #Lago Santo Modenese #monitoring #ParchiEmiliaCentrale #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #RiservaNaturale #SalseDiNirano #SustainableTourism #VCA #VideoContentAnalysisChiara Viappiani 5 years ago
Employee at Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park
Facilitating sustainable alternatives in Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park
The Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park, UNESCO Man&Biosphere Reserve, represents the high mountain environment in the Emilia-Romagna Region with amazingly rich flora and fauna. The 2 pilot areas in the Park, the Pietra di Bismantova and the Lagdei plain, suffer overflow of tourists in spring and summer. The objective of the pilot action was to modify the tourists’ behaviours, extend the touristic season and offer sustainable tourism alternatives. The Park management monitored touristic flows using specific questionnaires, counting of visitors and a statistical survey on tourist visits. Public shuttle buses and payment schemes for parking areas were introduced to lower the pressure of visits. All of the data collected is used in the ECST process and in facilitating collaboration between stakeholders, as well as in creating a complete and multi-seasonal offer for new kinds of tourism in the area. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park.
A short movie about the Park:
#AppenninoToscoEmiliano #CEETOPilotAction #Italy #monitoring #ProtectedArea #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #SustainableTourism #UNESCO 1 comment
Andrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
hi Chiara, it sounds intersting. could you please tell more about the multi-seasonal offer for new kinds of tourism in the area? I did not get it from the PDF doc.
Chiara Viappiani 5 years ago
Employee at Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park
Hi Andrea, for example at the moment we are trying to spread new approaches for visiting the site of Pietra di Bismantova. We are working on propose and promote combined visits to the Pietra and to the triassic gypsum with lunch in one of the local restaurants: this is a geological approach to the site. Another one is more cultural, promoting cultural events mainly related to land art like this one
Chiara Viappiani 5 years ago
Employee at Appennino Tosco Emiliano National Park
Furhtermore, there is a sanctuary where in the past women came to ask for pregnacy because of inside it there is an interesting painting of the Holy Mother feeding Jesus. So the idea is to rediscover also this religious reason to visit the Pietra, updated with the restoration of the hermitage at the bottom of the sanctuary following also the message of the Laudato si' by the Pope Francis. The big goal is to create a centre for "men and nature" in the hermitage.
Petra Škrinjar 5 years ago
Nature Conservation Adviser at Landscape park Strunjan
Regulation of the Belvedere terraces area in Strunjan Landscape Park, Slovenia
The area of Belvedere terraces represents one of the entry points to the Strunjan Landscape Park with the potential to become a buffer zone between the urbanized, tourist area of Izola and the protected nature area. To better manage the Belvedere terraces area, firstly, the Park management conducted monitoring activities to learn about the visitors' flow and their expectations of the area. They raised awareness of the protection regimes in the area by introducing innovative educational activities. The main part of the pilot action in Strunjan Landscape Park was the preparation of the study on landscaping and spatial planning solutions which aims to increase the sustainability of touristic flows and to obtain a conceptual solution for the regulation of the area, in cooperation with all local stakeholders. With this regulation, Park management wants to establish an entry point to the protected area, control the movement of visitors and offer them sustainable activities outside the Park area, and to relieve some of the pressure on the protected area throughout the year. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Strunjan Landscape Park. A short movie about the Park can be seen at this link:
#BelvedereTerraces #CEETOPilotAction #KrajinskiParkStrunjan #monitoring #ProtectedArea #Slovenia #SpatialPlan #Strunjan #StrunjanLandscapePark #SustainableTourismAndrea Kostelić 5 years ago
Head of department for eudcation, promotion and interpretation at Javna ustanova "Park prirode Medvednica"
Reducing traffic pressure in Medvednica Nature Park, Croatia
Medvednica Nature Park faces heavy visitation during spring and autumn weekends and winter skiing season which causes environmental problems in the Park. Measures to solve heavy traffic and lack of parking space in the Park were designed based on data collected via electronic car counters and video cameras, installed on the most problematic spots, and in-depth survey of visitors´ structure and attitudes. Data obtained from both monitoring schemes helped the Park management to develop Sustainable Tourism Action Plan of the area in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.Possible solutions for traffic problems include rescheduling the timetable of public busses, better road management and maintenance and defining and adequate marking of parking spots. On the other hand, the results obtained from visitors in-depth study showed that visitors are aware of the possible loss of natural values of the Park due to traffic overloads and touristic pressures and are prepared to participate financially in preserving natural values of the area. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Nature Park Medvednica.
CEETO teaser Nature Park Medvednica
#CEETOPilotAction #Croatia #ElectronicCounters #Medvednica #monitoring #NatureParkMedvednica #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourism 1 commentAndrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
feel super-green just by watching this photo. :-)
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
The EC study ˝European tourism: recent developments and future challenges˝
Recently issued study ˝European tourism: recent developments and future challenges˝ provides an overview of the current state of affairs in European tourism, considering the latest developments, identifying future challenges and emerging opportunities. It draws a number of conclusions and makes recommendations at an EU policy level that will support the sustainable development of the sector.
Some recommendations extracted from the study: develop strategies for tourists to be more environmentally sustainable and socially respectful when traveling; invest in sustainable transport infrastructure; the EU to take the lead in promoting the development and use of new technologies; emphasis on providing the skills, both for the existing and future workforces; ensure that citizens groups have direct channels to the decision making process and are appropriately resourced so that they are enabled in this process.
#EU #europe #SustainableTourism 2 commentsAndrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
it would be inetersted to learn if any of #CEETO partners have been involved it his EU policy development. I wold like to understand better how this will happend "...providing the skills, both for the existing and future workforces" - shall we offer even this platform as chanell to educate and build competences of thise engaged in sustainable forms of tourism developemnt!!?
Andrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
it would be inetersted to learn if any of #CEETO partners have been involved it his EU policy development. I wold like to understand better how this will happend "...providing the skills, both for the existing and future workforces" - shall we offer even this platform as chanell to educate and build competences of thise engaged in sustainable forms of tourism developemnt!!?
Mattia Mascanzoni 5 years ago
Employee at Punto 3
The analysis of strategic visit flows in Po Delta Regional Park
Po Delta Regional Park (since 2015 UNESCO MAB Reserve) represents a uniquely rich environment typical of Emilia-Romagna low, sandy coast (dunes, coastal pine forests, freshwater wetlands, salt pans). It covers some of the most productive (fishing/salt-works/tourism) and biodiversity rich wetland area in Italy. It is a tourism hotspot with high number of tourists concentrated in just a few sensitive parts of the Park. To implement a sustainable tourism governance model, the Park management worked to extend visitation season in lateral periods (winter and autumn) and to move visitor flow to the whole territory of the Park, especially to places which are less known and visited by tourists, but equally attractive. The Park management used the analysis of strategic visit flows which allows to understand who are the tourists of Po Delta. The more qualitative information, coming from the analysis of strategic visit flows, was combined with more quantitative monitoring activities regularly implemented by the Park’s visitor centres and tourist information offices. Using both methods helped to define a tourism strategy which is consistent with natural and social characteristic of this specific area. Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the Po Delta Regional Park.
#BiosferaDeltaPo #BiosphereReserve #CEETONetwork #EmiliaRomagna #PoDelta #SustainableTourism #TurismoSostenibileJosefine Vater 5 years ago
Sectionhead of the section education for sustainable developement, biosphere service and information at Administration of the Biosphere Reserve Southeast Rügen
Testing visitor management activities in UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Southeast Rügen, Germany
The Zicker Berge, an area located at the southeastern tip in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Southeast Rügen, Germany, represents a valuable ecological area with species-rich grasslands. The beauty of the landscape attracts many visitors every year. Unfortunetly, rules of proper behaviour are often ignored by visitors due to insufficient knowledge of the natural values of this area. The Pilot Action of CEETO project intends to evaluate the touristic pressure in this area and to change the visitor behaviour for a better by providing more and better information about the particularities of the "Zicker Begre" and about the correct code of cunduct. The Visitor flow was observed at two main entrances of the area "Zicker Berge" and manual surveys (flash interviews and in-depth interviews) were conducted. After the initial evaluation of data, the management of the protected Area involved local people in decicion making process and the implementation of the visitor management activities. To find out, if the visitor management activities are effective and if the visitor behaviour is changing, data are collected continuously over the years. A detailed description of the pilot action can be found in the attached summary. Also, you can check a video of the pilot area at this link:
#AudioGuide #CEETOPilotAction #Deutschland #ElectronicCounters #Germany #ProtectedArea #RevisedSignage #SoutheastRügen #Survey #SustainableTourism #TouristMonitoring #UNESCO #VisitorBehaviour #VisitorFlowManagement #ZickerBergeJulia Aigner 5 years ago
project assistance at Naturpark Sölktäler
Visitor flow management in Sölktäler Nature Park
The attractive landscape with mountain lakes and rich flora and fauna makes Sölktäler Nature Park, Austria, attractive destinations for hikers in summer and skiers in wintertime. To mitigate the impacts of growing tourist visits in the area, the Nature Park management undertook several measures. To understand tourist flows in the Park, electronic counters were installed at four main hiking trails and manual counting at two hiking spots in summer was conducted. The monitoring of human impacts on wildlife was also monitored. Collected statistics allow for identification of days and weeks of increased tourist pressure, annual comparison of tourist flows and comparison between the presences found in four spota in the Park. Obtained data were used to create a five-year strategy for tourism management in the Park, together with local stakeholders. Also, an information brochure was created to communicate natural specificities of the Park and alternative tourist itineraries, to minimize the impact on fragile habitats. Detailed description of the pilot action can be found in the attached summary. Also, you can check a video of the pilot area at this link:
#AlpinePastures #Austria #CEETOPilotAction #ElectronicCounters #monitoring #NaturparkSölktaler #ProtectedArea #SkiTourism #SustainableTourism #VisitorFlowManagementKristin Hauser 5 years ago
CEETO Project Manager at UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau
Making UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau more experienceable
Within the CEETO project, the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau worked on raising the awareness and knowledge of visitors (locals and guests) about the area, to improve a sustainable behaviour and minimize negative impacts on nature and to make the Biosphere Reserve more experienceable for visitors. Furthermore, specific actions around the Preber lake were planned, to improve the parking situation in this special area.
With two surveys conducted during 2018 and 2019 in the area around the Preber lake, the management of the Biosphere Reserve learned about the visitors’ knowledge of the Biosphere Reserve and their mobility behaviour and satisfaction with the public transport in the Preber area. Based on these surveys and the participatory process, an Action Plan for a sustainable tourism development was elaborated, that contains a long-term vision and actions for sensitization, awareness and knowledge raising and quality improvement, addressing the whole region.
Additionally, special actions like a parking management and the increase of the frequency of the public transport, that focus on the specific situation in the Preber area (parking problems), were discussed.
Between the two surveys communication activities were done to raise awareness and knowledge (like guided tours, communication events) of visitors about the Biosphere Reserve and the Preber area, special actions around the lake to improve the parking situation and the acceptance of the public transport in this area couldn’t be implemented, due to political changes, but they will until summer 2020. After implementation another survey will be conducted, to measure the changes in the reduction of cars and the acceptance of public transport in the Preber area.
Furthermore, it is planned to conduct surveys every year to measure a change in knowledge and awareness of visitors about the Biosphere Reserve an to integrate the data into the Biosphere Reserve integrated monitoring system.
Learn more from the attached summary of the CEETO pilot action in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau.
#Austria #BiosphereReserve #CEETOPilotAction #Lungau #monitoring #ParkingManagement #Preber #ProtectedArea #PublicTransport #SustainableTourismMauro Generali 5 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
CEETO Project - Video-Monitoring of the Salse di Nirano Nature Reserve to monitor and prevent Zone A intrusions.
NEMOS (Nature rEserve MOnitoring System) VCA Experimental System
The Video Content Analysis (VCA) system, financed and tested through the Interreg CEETO Project, is composed of 3 cameras connected to an automatic data processing and extraction unit, using Artificial Intelligence algorithms. The system, in addition to monitoring (quantifying and qualifying) the real use of the area, also documents the main factors of threat for the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano, to support the design of possible protection measures.
As can be seen from the explanatory video (see link below), the system detects the transits of vehicles and people along the access road to Zone A of integral protection (zone particularly fragile by the geomorphological and phytological point of view) and acquires the largest number of data on episodes of physical barriers overcoming (by both people and animals), and consequent incorrect use and invasion of Zone A. The data, processed on site and sent remotely to the Park Authority and to the Municipality, will be used both to quantify the extent of the problem and to plan appropriate defence actions, both active (strengthening of physical barriers) and passive (through posters and environmental education).
The recorded images will also be useful for the study of the mud-volcanoes morphological evolution and will be integrated with the other ongoing monitoring by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
The innovative VCA system was installed in the Cà Rossa Visitor Centre area at the beginning of July 2019 and it’s acquiring data continuously from 5.30 AM to 9.30 PM. It will continue to work for at least one year after the end of CEETO Pilot Action (which ended at the end of September 2019).
This is a demo Video:
This other one is a "real-life" acquisition result video collage and a preview of the web-managing interface for the DB collected data analysis:
#CrossFences #EnteParchiEmiliaCentrale #FioranoModenese #Italy #monitoring #ParchiEmiliaCentrale #PilotAction #ProtectedArea #Protection #RegioneEmiliaRomagna #RER #RiservaNaturale #SalseDiNirano #TouristMonitoring #VCA #VideoContentAnalysis #VulcaniDiFango 3 commentsAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Interesting action!
I have a few questions:
- 1) How one can distinguish from people/animals walking on the right area (like the street) and those who are crossing the fences and walking in the Zone A of the Protected Area?
- 2) What are power sources for the cameras?
- 3) Is this method accompanied with some other method, for example with interviews in order to know what visitor’s expectations in the area are?
Rudy Melli 5 years ago
CEO at Vision-e Srl
Hello Ana, I'm Rudy from Vision-e, the author of the VCA and I gladly reply to the first two questions.
We use a neural network applied to the images to detect objects (humans, vehicles, animals). On each frame the network extract the bounding box (the colored rectangles into the video) containing the object and its class (people, car, truck, bike, bird, dog, ...). In this way we know where are humans and animals every seconds. The perimeters of Zone A of the Protected Area have been defined manually for each camera, unfortunately they are not shown in the video but are close to the fences. With this data it becomes easy to calculate who and when is in the Zone A.
The cameras are IP and POE (Power Over Ethernet) so the power supply is injected in data cables coming from Cà Rossa Visitor Center.
These are a low power cameras with less that 3W for each. The brain of the system is not a PC but an embedded board low power consuming (peak < 15W). This hardware configuration is designed to easily switch to solar panels, making the system autonomous, in order to be replicated in areas where a power source is not available.
Mauro Generali 5 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
This innovative sperimentation of VCA in "almost natural" environment, took some energy and time, so, at the moment, no other survey has been carried out. This method can be easily integrated with other survey methods, like questionnaire. Furthermore, its authomatic and quantitative approach, make it easy to assess the effect of every managerial activity like education/sensibilization, placing of plates, etc.
Andrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Andrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Mauro, it would vbe great to get reply to this questions. Maybe PA practitioners and rserchers already use this method for wildlife monitoring? :-)
Mauro Generali 5 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
So far the recognition algorithms are "educated" on more "urban" environments, but, if there is interest in the matter, I believe that the Neural Network (AI) can be trained to recognize also different species of animals and therefore be used also for the automatic monitoring of the passages of various species. Obviously it will not be able to go into great detail (like distinguishing deer, roe deer and fallow deer), but a roe deer from a wild boar, a badger or a wolf, I think it is certainly possible.
Rudy Melli 4 years ago
CEO at Vision-e Srl
I confirm Mauro's answer, by teaching the neural network with the appropriate examples it is possible to make them learn to distinguish numerous animal species.
Rudy Melli 4 years ago
CEO at Vision-e Srl
Here you can watch a video with details of the features of Nemos system:
Mauro Generali 4 years ago
CEETO Project PP01 Communication Manager at Regione Emilia Romagna - Servizio Aree Protette, Foreste e Sviluppo della Montagna
Thank you Ing. Melli. I'll update the post to include the new video of "real life" acquisition.
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Planning, management and monitoring tools for sustainable tourism management in protected areas
CEETO Inventory of tools and success stories for sustainable tourism in Protected Areas is a comprehensive collection of the existing planning, management and monitoring tools used for the management of tourist visits in protected areas in Europe; it also includes the most successful case studies from around the world.
The Inventory served as a basis for the implementation of CEETO pilot actions in 8 protected areas in the EU with an aim to test and establish the most successful and innovative governance model for sustainable tourism in those areas.
Inventory and the description of CEETO pilot action can be found in this post.
#CEETOMap #CEETOPilotAction #governance #inventory #management #monitoring #ProtectedArea #SustainableTourism #TouristVisits.pdf 5.18 MB, uplodaded: 5 years ago
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Anna Ivanyi 5 years ago
project manager at Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association
Could I get this above infographic in an editable format so I could make a Hungarian version of it?
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Anna, I added editable version in pptx format so you can use it.
Anna Ivanyi 5 years ago
project manager at Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association
Thank you!
Andrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Understanding Visitors' Sedentary Behavior in Protected Natural Areas
Make Them Move: Understanding Visitors' Sedentary Behavior in Protected Natural Areas. A Case Study in S Thus, using the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (Spain) as a case study, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of sociodemographic, trip, motivational, and opinion descriptors on the likelihood of participating in sedentary behavior while visiting a protected natural area
Make Them Move: Understanding Visitors' Sedentary Behavior in Protected Natural Areas. A Case Study in Spain.
Protected areas are important attractions for promoting healthy life habits. Consequently, to date, a number of studies have examined the association between visitors' characteristics and physical activities. However, little is known about the specific users inclined exclusively to have sedentary behavior during a visit. Thus, using the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (Spain) as a case study, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of sociodemographic, trip, motivational, and opinion descriptors on the likelihood of participating in sedentary behavior while visiting a protected natural area.
Metabolic equivalent consumption was used to empirically distinguish the sedentary (22.6%) from the active (77.4%) visitor groups. A logistic regression analysis indicated that the trip and motivational descriptors explained the highest degree of the overall variation in reporting sedentary behavior.
The study contributed to documenting the information about visitors' behavior in protected areas, and the findings may aid park managers in developing effective management strategies for promoting and enhancing physical activity in protected natural areas.
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
˝Park-science˝ in Slovenian protected areas
Strunjan Landscape Park, one of CEETO pilot areas, this year coordinated the work of the Slovenian Natural Parks Community with an aim to bring community and nature conservation work closer. For the second year, protected areas carried out activities aimed at schooling youth and teachers. The activity is called "park science" and aims to get young generations closer to Slovenia's natural parks and make them true "park experts". This year, over 600 registered students from 46 schools through an online quiz solved tasks and explored natural and cultural characteristics of 14 nature parks. More information about this year’s ˝park-science˝ information can be gathered at the following link:
˝Park-science˝ will continue in the 2019/20 school year, and activities can be tracked on the following link: .
#education #ParkScience #ProtectedAreaAndrea Solić 5 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
Prince Harry launches sustainable travel initiative Travalyst
The profile of sustainable travel just got a boost with the launch of Travalyst, an initiative by the Sussex Royal Foundation,, Visa, TripAdvisor, CTrip and SkyScanner. The initiative will focus on promoting solutions that drive more sustainable practices, support locals, protect wildlife and prevent climate change and environmental damage.…/prince-harry-launches-sustain…
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Croatian institutions develop Guidelines for PA and/or Natura 2000 sites management planning
Croatian environmental institutions developed guidelines for protected areas and/or Natura 2000 sites management planning. It is a practical guide which helps site managers in the process of management plans development recommending the structure of the process as well as the content of the management plan itself. Included are recommended content and format of the management plan, a procedure for its adoption, recommendations related to designing and guiding the plan development process, as well as elaborate certain elements of the management plan in more detail (themes, objectives, activities, indicators, zonation, etc.). Although guidelines are prepared for the Croatian protected areas managers, principles of the process remain valid for wider conservation audience.
Guidelines are available in English.
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Plastic free hotels - brochure and study
In collaboration with Wikinger Reisen, the Institute of Waste Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, and the Austrian Consumer Association, WWF has identified the most important measures that hotels can take to rapidly reduce their plastic waste.
Please see the brochure (available in English and German).
#NoPlastic #PlasticFree #SustainableTourism 1 commentAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Here is also the latest WWF Study "Effective measures to avoid single-use plastics and packaging in hotels". The study identified the top ten measures for hotels, gives recommendations for hotels, tourists and tour operators and includes analysis of the waste management in Mediterranean tourism destinations like Mallorca and Zakynthos. Study is available in English and German:
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
˝The School Network in Protected Areas-Guidebook for Protected Areas and Schools˝-regional educational program in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
Within the project "Protected Areas for Nature and People˝, WWF Adria and Park Dinarides recently developed a Guidebook: ˝The School Network in Protected Areas-Guidebook for Protected Areas and Schools˝. The Guidebook is created for Protected Areas managers who want to work together with local teachers to develop educational programs or improve existing ones, and for schools that are interested in conducting their school curricula in the amazing environments of Protected Areas. In the chapters Learning about nature through play and Educational Activities and Critical Thinking is explained how to develop educational activities and in Annex 1 - Learning about nature through play - Description of activities are provided detailed explanations of examples of activities.
School Networks aims to create long-term and efficient partnerships between local schools and a Protected Area that is bound by the common goal of preserving local natural and cultural heritage in a way that contributes to the wellbeing of the local community.
The Guidebook is available in English.
#accessibility #education #europe #ProtectedAreaAna Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
Nature based education program for students with intellectual disabilities
Within CEETO project a special education program ˝The Life of a Tree˝ for students with intellectual disabilities was developed. With this education program, students are offered recreational and experiential learning about natural values in nature itself which gives them an opportunity to learn to observe, watch, listen, feel and move. The program was developed in joint cooperation by WWF Adria, Public Institution Maksimir and the Secondary School-Centre for education and training Zagreb.
Publications are currently available in the Croatian language.
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Mirna Vrdoljak 5 years ago
Šefica at Druga Adresa
A beautiful initiative!
Katrin Huesken 5 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Biosphere for Baltic Project
The Biosphere Reserves located around the Baltic Sea have started a joint project under the titel "Biosphere for Baltic". With the project a long-term coopeartion between the Baltic Sea biosphere reserve shall be established.
#BalticSea #BiosphereForBaltic #BiosphereReserve #ProtectedArea #SustainableSea #SustainableTourism 1 commentKatrin Huesken 5 years ago
CEETO Project Coordinator at Biosphere Reserve Southeast-Rügen
Ana Krvarić 5 years ago
Project Officer at WWF Adria
excellent educational material
Andrea Solić 6 years ago
Programme Manager at WWF Adria
CEETO project to establish an innovative governance system for sustainable tourism in protected and NATURA 2000 areas
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